animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

the weekend

The weekend held a lot of activities. The main activity was a camping trip with the Boy Scouts, which Brian and Jake attended. They left Saturday afternoon and came back Sunday morning. While it was a bit cold out (and there was actually snow on the ground at the campsite), …

birthday boy

Yesterday was Brian’s 40th birthday. In honor of the day, we both took off work. He puttered around in the shop most of the day and I spent the afternoon cooking. Since it was a special birthday, I made a special meal, Lasagne Verdi al Forno, Caesar salad, and garlic …

not-so-super bowl

Despite Pittsburgh’s loss, we still had fun watching the Super Bowl. Actually, we probably had more fun eating, drinking, and socializing, rather than actually watching the game, but you know what I mean. The usual suspects came over to watch the game–namely, our parents. Brian also invited a couple of …


Today was my birthday. I’m not one for pomp and circumstance, so the day was low-key. In fact, Brian spent the day tearing off the back porch roof at the office. After remodeling the office, I decided that I’m too old for this bullshit, but I do plan on helping …