animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


Because Brian’s “so caught up in [me],” he bought me a .38 special as my anniversary present this year, which marked 15 years. Coincidentally, we joined the Portage Revolver and Pistol Club at the beginning of the year. We have a few other guns that we haven’t shot in a …

real birthday

My birthday started off on a bad note. I was outside doing a few things and I got stung by a wasp. But, thanks to Jake’s quick fingers, we found a couple of remedies to try and one of them worked. We tried onion, baking soda paste, ice, and Tylenol. …


We’ll it’s not my birthday quite yet, but my parents had us over on Sunday to celebrate my (and my brother’s) birthdays. We had a delicious turkey dinner and then opened presents, wherein I received the worst present ever from my brother. He bought me a scale that I wanted, …

the week

I got all caught up with my vegetable garden last week. Everything that is supposed to be planted is now planted. Whew! Of course, there will be more to do in the coming weeks but it feels good to be caught up. I have plenty of other things to do …


We had a Jake’s birthday/Mother’s Day cookout on Sunday. It was just with the family–Jake will have a kids’ pool party next month. The day was pretty nice, so we did the outside thing. It was a little chilly, but not too bad. Brian and Jake worked like mad on …