animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

catching fire

This was the second book in the Hunger Games series. Again, very good. I just found out recently that they are making a Hunger Games movie–it’ll be out next spring. Jake and I can’t wait! Next up, the third and last book in the series. Unfortunately, Jake is only half …

the hunger games

Jake was going on and on about this series of books, so I decided to give them a try. I finished the first one the other day. I have to say, it was quite good. I found myself reading when I was supposed to be doing housework, so that’s how …


It’s getting hard to keep track of all of James Patterson’s Alex Cross novels. One thing is for sure–I always enjoy reading them and this one was no different. At this point, I’m pretty sure that I’ve not read these books in any kind of order, but it doesn’t seem …

dead reckoning

This was the latest book from Charlaine Harris, whose books inspired HBO’s True Blood series. On one hand, I wasn’t as into this book as some of her others. On the other hand, I tore through it pretty quickly. It did serve as a warm-up for season 3 of the …


This was a novel by Patricia Cornwell. I’ve read some of her stuff in the past and it was ok, but I just could not get into this book. I was trying to slog through it because I got the latest Sookie Stackhouse novel for Mother’s Day and was anxious …