animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

better than the maytag man

Late last week, our dishwasher started making horrible noises during the wash cycle. It was still working, but was running at an unbelievably loud volume. After doing some research, I narrowed it down to two possible issues. One easy (and cheap) and the other more difficult (and not cheap). I looked into the easy option, and it, of course, was not it. So, I ended up purchasing a new circulation pump motor. Well, it arrived yesterday, so Brian left work a little early in order to install it before we needed to run the dishwasher again after supper.

Once he removed the old motor, we knew that we had the correct part–the old motor was all rusty (how the motor casing got wet in the first place is a problem I refuse to think about right now). Anyway, he got the new motor installed and the dishwasher is now running more quietly than ever. And, he didn’t charge a service fee!