animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

back to the new normal

As previously mentioned, Jake was in for a month over Thanksgiving. He went home for a few weeks and returned the weekend before Christmas. And, went back again today. It was nice having him around, even though it was a busy time of year with all of the Christmas festivities. Amelia has clinical rotations next year so I don’t even know if he’ll be in for the holidays because she won’t get any time off. I didn’t ask as it’s too early to think about that, but I will ponder it nonetheless. He’ll be coming in again in May due to a work thing, but that’s the only definite at this point.

Anyway, I have been taking it easy for the past couple of weeks, so it’s time to get back into my routine. I’m kicking off my basement project next weekend. That should keep me busy for a bit. And, the following weekend, I’m going to start prepping the office bathroom to be painted. Some areas need scraped and patched and there are some cracks to fix, but it shouldn’t be as much work as the kitchen was, which I did last year.