animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

productive weekend

Due to Thursday’s concert, I took Friday off. It probably wasn’t necessary, but I haven’t had a day off since January 1, so I figured, why not? Friday was pretty nice, so that worked out. I got to do some stuff outside, and it put me in a really good mood. But first, I had to make a trip to Home Depot to pick up supplies to replenish the dog area. I also bought new edging. The 1.5″ edging that I installed last year wasn’t cutting it (the gravel always ends up in the mulch), so I bought 2.5″. I installed that and put down the mulch and gravel. Hopefully, that will work.

I also trimmed my twig dogwood, which was getting out of hand. One of the branches had propagated itself, so I dug that up and relocated it to a different area. I also cleaned the smoker, which I haven’t been able to use for a couple of months, so it’s ready to go.

These days, weekends are for cooking, and I made a couple of recipes (some old, some new):

I’ve been working on the fake beam for the laundry room and made good progress with that this weekend. It’s now assembled and ready to be finished.

I also did the usual, such as cleaning, grocery shopping, laundry, walking dogs, naps, etc.