animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

something’s fishy

I went to feed the fish in my pond a few nights ago and didn’t see many fish. It was a little cooler than it had been, so I assumed they were hiding somewhere. The same thing happened last night, so I moved some stuff around and still couldn’t see more than a few. This morning, just a little before dawn, I let one of the dogs outside and went out with them. The pond sounded weird, so I turned around to look at it and something jumped out of the pond and ran away (it must have been standing on the pump). I didn’t catch what it was, but it lept out of the pond so I don’t think it could be a raccoon. I’m thinking fox or mink. Anyway, that’s a bummer. I hope it didn’t get all of the fish. I normally dye the pond water but with all of the rain we got the other week the remainder of the dye washed away. Dye can keep certain predators away, depending on how they hunt. I will have to redye it tonight and maybe put up the winter netting. This has happened before, but I believe it was 2013. I don’t know what the cause was that year, but there was a blue heron that was stealing fish from everyone’s pond that year, so I always assumed that was the culprit. It’s definitely not the cause this time.