animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

odd thomas

I finished reading this novel yesterday while waiting for Jake at his karate lesson. I rather enjoyed it. It’s the first book from Dean Koontz that I’ve read in a while and I was wondering how it was going to be. After reading a bunch of his books, I noticed that they all sort of had the same theme so I pretty much gave up on worrying about his latest releases. This one was pretty close to his usual theme, but had a slight twist at the end that made it a good read. I’ll have to check out some of his other recent books now.

I’m too lazy to write a synopsis of the story right now, but it is typical Dean Koontz fare complete with bodachs, killers, and ghosts. (oh my!) Having read quite a few Koontz books, I’d say this is now one of my favorites from him. Apparently there’s a sequel to this novel, called Forever Odd. I’ll definitely be checking that out at some point.