animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

labor day weekend

We sure had a packed weekend. Thank goodness it was of the three day variety (so it had some recovery time built in)!

Friday was business as usual. I don’t believe we did anything out of the ordinary that day.

On Saturday, our friends PJ and Lisa were married. We went to the ceremony in Westmont and then to the reception at the Holiday Inn downtown. It was your standard, classy kind of affair. We had a nice time, but the funny thing was that I worked with PJ and Lisa for quite a number of years so there were a lot of ex-coworkers at the wedding. That made it feel a little bit like a company Christmas party (but, with a bridal party!). At any rate, it was nice seeing everyone again.

Yesterday was quite busy. We started off the day by going to the Ethnic Festival to catch some lunch. Namely, pierogies at St. Mary’s church. We walked around for a bit down there and then headed home because Brian had practice. After that, we made a stop in Moxham for our neighbor’s open house (at Jackie’s Toss N Wash). Then we went to a birthday party of an associate of Brian’s. Once we returned home, we did some work outside and then watched a movie.

Today, we had no concrete plans. We were supposed to do some work on the office building, but the Small Business Expo is on Thursday and Brian is behind on the presentation we’re showing, so he spent most of the day doing that. I mostly worked around the house, but threw in a little PDS work on top of that. Jake had a friend over in the afternoon.

All in all, it was a pretty good weekend. I managed to get caught up on my sleep, so I should be good to go for at least the next few days.