animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

zero day

This should have been a great limited series, but it was lacking in something. That something was not the cast. It had Robert De Niro, Jesse Plemons, Angela Bassett, and more. The story was about a zero day cyber attack that happened in the US. De Niro played the lead …

will & harper

In this documentary, Will Ferrell and his newly transitioned friend, Harper, travel across the country to bond as friends and introduce Harper to the country. It is a heartwarming story about two friends. I would have expected more backlash for the trans thing in the middle of the country, but …

gwendy’s magic feather

Several years ago, Stephen King and Richard Chizmar co-authored the novel Gwendy’s Button Box. Richard Chizmar then wrote Gwendy’s Magic Feather in 2019, I wasn’t in a super hurry to read it since Stephen King wasn’t involved, but a couple of years ago Stephen King wrote the third and final …

laundry room: phase 1

The first phase of the laundry room is complete. It was supposed to consist of painting the walls and ceiling, but I did more than that. I took out the retractable clothesline and added a wall-mounted drying rack in its place. I also replaced the wall-mounted storage rack (for the …

pamela: a love story

Since I’m on a Pamela Anderson roll, I watched her documentary last night. It was pretty interesting. Having lived through the Pammy and Tommy thing, I was surprised to learn that they were only together a few years. It seemed like forever at the time. She seems to be having …