animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

inka kitchen

I used to have pen pals when I was a teenager. It’s like having friends online (but before the internet). Anyway, I’ve only kept in touch with one in particular, Laura. We met two other times, but it has been a while. Around Christmas, Laura suggested that we get together again, and that’s what we did yesterday. She lives in York, so we landed on Chambersburg as a meeting point. We went to a great Peruvian restaurant called INKA Kitchen. They were not busy so we chatted for a while in the restaurant after we were done with our meals and probably for another hour in the parking lot. We’re not going to wait so long to meet again. It was great catching up! Laura also treated me to lunch since my birthday is this week. That was so nice and unexpected. It really made my day.