animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

ahh, taxes

We finally signed our tax forms yesterday, despite having had an appointment to get our taxes done over a month ago. There was a holdup with one of the businesses due to some tax credits it received. The bad news is that we owe some money this year. After years …

bd party

So, we actually got out for a bit Friday night. One of Brian’s high school friends had a birthday party and we went to it. We were not able to stay super long due to the puppy (the party was in Vandergrift, which is a bit of a hoof). But …

the silent wife

This was your basic dysfunctional Italian family kind of story. It was a quick read–I read much of it while we were away over the weekend. Not the kind of book I usually read, but I enjoyed it. My rating: 4/5

it (movie)

Netflix finally shipped me this movie. I couldn’t wait to see it and it did not disappoint. I felt it was pretty true to the book and I like how they just did the kids’ part of the story in this first chapter. I can hardly wait for chapter 2! …