animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook


Despite the fact that every season of the show had the same plot, the series had some hilarious dialog going on–witty stuff. It probably should have ended a season or two ago, though. The last season was a bit of a disappointment (not as funny as the previous ones) and …

tomato challenge

Have I ever mentioned how much Buster loves tomatoes? Let me count the ways… Buster has always loved vegetables, but he has a special affinity for tomatoes. In fact, I taught him the “tomato” command wherein he will stop barking and sit for a tomato. Unfortunately, in seven years, this …


This was a long one but it was worth it (at least after reading the Wikipedia entry to fill in the parts I missed). It was a story of the abduction of two girls and the search to find them. Hugh Jackman played one of the fathers and the main …

the pond

I’ve finally had enough of the pond’s leaking stream (every year on at least one occasion, it develops a leak that is sometimes difficult to track down and fix), so it was removed yesterday. In addition, we will be rebuilding the waterfall using a waterfall box (since the water has …


The beautiful weekend was filled with garden activities. All of the plants (an oak tree, two blueberry bushes and a bundle of myrtle) I purchased at the county plant sale are now in the dirt. Additionally, I did some weeding in the garden and planted onions. I’m a little behind …