animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

dolores claiborne

I’ll give it this much, I enjoyed the movie more than the book. That’s probably being a bit critical, though. Actually, the movie was pretty good even though it wasn’t based on one of my favorite Stephen King books. I read it so long ago that I didn’t remember much …

date night

Brian and I watched this movie over the weekend. We both thought it was pretty funny. It got some tepid reviews so I wasn’t sure about watching it, but it was definitely worth the time. The only negative I’ll say is that there were some scenes that dragged on for …

christmas: day 3

We had another Christmas celebration today. This one was at Judy’s house. She was away over the holidays so hence the late get-together. We went over there around suppertime so she ordered some pizza. Yum! She sent us home with a few pieces and I just ate another one moments …

full dark, no stars

More like five stars. What an excellent read this was. It came in the mail right after I started reading Dexter and that booked dragged on a little longer than I would have liked. But, this one more than made up for it. I finished it in a couple of …