animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

father’s day

Despite the heat, it was a nice afternoon. My parents came over for a cookout today (Brian’s parents spent the weekend in New York at his sister’s place). I made a ton of food. Well, I got a bunch of food ready, and Brian grilled it. (that’s what Dads are supposed to do on Father’s Day, right?) We had lamb chops, bacon-wrapped chicken, and sweet Italian sausages for the main course. Everything was pretty good. I’m getting hungry again just thinking about it, so I guess it’s about time for supper.

After my parents left, Brian went for a short ride on his bike because today is Father’s Day and that’s what he wanted to do. He worked in the woodshop for a little bit after he got home from his ride and now he’s at the usual Sunday band practice. After practice is over, we’ll walk the dogs, I’ll hang outside in the garden for a bit and then get ready for tonight’s tv viewing of Deadwood and Entourage. Then, that’ll be it for the weekend. Where did it go?