animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

bathroom remodel: day 2

Today went so-so. Brian had an appointment to go to in the late morning, so we didn’t really get started until late afternoon. And by started, I mean we mostly pondered how to accomplish certain tasks that need to be done. We also managed to finish up the tub stuff that wasn’t completed yesterday.

After supper, we started on the “real” work of the day–installing the concrete backer board for the ceramic tile. We both felt that we needed to accomplish something today and this was just the thing because now we can install the tile whenever we want. This is good because after the tile is installed, we can hook up the new toilet. Having to go up or down a floor in order to use the restroom is not very convenient (especially in the middle of the night and when a five year old boy is involved). So, the sooner the better.