Angela Law

animal lover, gardener, knitter, and gourmet cook

anyone but you

This was a decent rom-com. It starred Glen Powell, who, as I’ve said before, seems to be in every movie these days. Good for him.

My rating: 3.5/5

In other weekend news, I went to dinner with Carol on Friday night at Franklin Street Bar & Grill. It was nice catching up and the food is always great! I did not, however, meet up again with the guy from last weekend due to his work schedule. Better luck next weekend…

Since the weather was so nice, I was able to wrap up most of my fall tasks. I harvested one last zucchini (in October!), picked all of the peppers, and pulled the plants. I also finished winterizing the pond. I still need to plant garlic and maybe cut the grass again if these temperatures keep up.

the perfect couple (series)

This is perhaps the worst adaptation I have ever watched. The book was almost perfect and they changed nearly everything in the series for no apparent reason. If you’re interested in the differences read this article (but note that there are spoilers before you do so). I won’t get into the details, but I will say that the series doesn’t even have the same ending as the book. Ridiculous.

The series had some great actors in it and with a different production team, it would have been a different story.

My rating: 2.5/5

laurel hill state park

I’ve been talking to this guy I met online for about 6 weeks and we finally met today. I normally like to meet within a week or two but this is how it worked out. We met at Laurel Hill State Park and did some hiking. I took the dogs. We all had a great time and plan to get together again next Saturday.

sick kitty

I was kind of busy on Sunday and hadn’t seen Sylvia all day, but this is not unusual. When the evening snack time came around (around 10 pm), I was surprised that she wasn’t upstairs waiting for it. I went downstairs to see what was up and noticed that she had not eaten her previous two meals (she has an automatic feeder). She also threw up a number of times. I know that cats can’t go long without eating, so I called the vet first thing Monday morning and they got me in later that morning.

They did an x-ray to check for an obstruction but everything looked good with that. The vet said we could do bloodwork but she didn’t think it was a systemic issue, so we held off on that. They took her temperature and found that she had a pretty high fever (105) so that pointed to some sort of illness or infection, but since she’s an inside cat and doesn’t live with other cats, the cause was not obvious.

So, they gave her fluids for the dehydration, a shot of ampicillin for the possible infection, and a Cerenia injection for the nausea. I was expecting a bit of a turnaround after that, but she just slept on her bed all day and didn’t eat anything. Before bed, she ate the tiniest bit of food (some chicken baby food and tuna). But, when I got up at 5:30 am to feed the dogs, she was walking around and had eaten some of her dry food. Later, when I got up for real, I gave her more tuna and baby food and she ate that. So, I think that means she’s doing better now. Let’s hope that is the case.

the perfect couple

This was a real page-turner! The story centered around a posh wedding on the island of Nantucket. On the morning of the ceremony, the maid of honor was found dead. And, of course, everyone was a suspect. The story was told using a non-linear timeline, which I kind of like, and it worked well for this story.

And, coincidentally, Netflix released a limited series on this book recently, so I’ll be watching that soon. I’ve heard it’s not as good as the book and given how good the book was, I can believe it. But, I’m still going to check it out.

My rating: 4/5